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#Regularly check ticker on the web portal for up to date information about the services.

Telecom Regulatory Authority of India's New Regulation Information & Updates (applicable only to India Enterprize SMS service)


Dear Valued Customer,

As per the instructions from the TRAI, operators will be resuming Template Content Scrubbing from 01-Apr-2021 hence if you had faced any issue of SMS rejections by the operators on 08-Mar-2021, it means you will again face the similar issue until you do the needful i.e. register at any one of the operator's DLT portal & get your Headers (Sender ID) and Templates (SMS Content) approved immediately & then add the approved SMS templates AS IT IS (without any errors) to your 24x7SMS account in order to have uninterrupted services from 01-Apr-2021. For step by step guide, check our previous update dated 29th-DEC-2020 (scroll down).


Dear Valued Customer,

As per the instructions from the TRAI, operators have been rolled back the DLT Template Scrubbing for next 7 days hence messages are submitting successfully even for non-registered DLT Templates at the moment. But we again request all our valuable customers to kindly get the needful done immediately i.e. register at operator's DLT portal & get your Headers (Sender ID) and Templates (SMS Content) approved asap & then add the DLT approved SMS templates as it is to your 24x7SMS account by following the steps provided on our previous update dated 29th-DEC-2020 (scroll down) so that whenever operators resume Template Scrubbing in coming days you are ready for the same to enjoy uninterrupted services.


Dear Valued Customer,

Template Scrubbing is live from ​today by all the operators hence only valid DLT approved ​Header & ​SMS templates are​​ successfully processed by them. If your service has stopped kindly do the needful as per below:

  • If you are already registered at DLT & have added all your DLT approved templates but still facing an issue, kindly check you have added exactly the same ​Template ID & ​SMS templates to your 24x7SMS account & also using the same template while submitting the ​messages. Please note, all DLT templates are CASE SENSITIVE hence even ​if ​a single alphabet​ is​ in another case than the approved one​, or an extra space, full stop etc.​ will not work. You may rectify this by adding the valid DLT templates again to your 24x7SMS account.
  • If still not registered at any one of the operators DLT portal then kindly register asap & once your templates are approved by them then add the same DLT approved templates to your 24x7SMS account by following the steps provided on our previous update dated 29th-DEC-2020 (scroll down)

  • As always, we are closely monitoring the situation & trying our level best to minimize the impact but it's a huge change at the operators end hence services may get affected in coming days until things are fully settled at their end. 
    UPDATE AS ON 26th FEB 2021

    Dear Valued Customer,

    As per the updates by the operators, you may already be aware that GO LIVE date is now set to 08-Mar-2021 by them hence kindly be ready by getting your Entity, Headers & all your SMS content templates of all your services (TemplateBased/OptinOptout/PromoSpl/PromoNormal) registered at operators DLT portal & then adding the same to your 24x7SMS account for smooth transition & for uninterrupted services thereafter by following the steps provided on our previous updates (scroll down). Also follow the up to date guidelines provided by the operators at their portal.
    UPDATE AS ON 31st JAN 2021

    Dear Valued Customer,

    GO LIVE date of 01-Feb-2021 has been postponed by all the operators. Kindly be prepared by getting your Entity, Headers & all your SMS content templates registered at operators DLT portal right away & then adding the same to your 24x7SMS account by following the steps provided on our previous update dated 29th-DEC-2020 (scroll down) for smooth transition & to continue uninterrupted services whenever operators go live with scrubbing feature in coming days.
    UPDATE AS ON 25th JAN 2021

    Dear Valued Customer,

    Firstly, we would like to thank all our valued customers for registering their Entity, Headers & Templates at Operators DLT portal & adding the same to 24x7SMS account & being ready as GO LIVE date is now set to 01-Feb-2021 by the operators. 
    Secondly, by our regular updates from last 1 year, you may already be aware that once DLT is fully implemented by all the operators then only registered DLT users with valid PE ID, Header ID & Template ID will be able to submit messages successfully to the operators & for others, messages will be failed/rejected but charged. Hence due to any reason, if you are still not registered at any one of the operators DLT portal then kindly do the needful right away by following the instructions provided on our previous update dated 29th-DEC-2020. 
    Also operators themselves are constantly updating latest development on DLT to all it's DLT registered users, hence all our valued customers are requested to kindly do the needful as per the instructions received by the operators for smooth transition. 

    UPDATE AS ON 29th DEC 2020

    Dear Valued Customer,

    As you may already be aware that from 7th-Jan-2021 phase-II of DLT i.e. Template scrubbing (SMS content scrubbing) is going to be implemented by the operators hence kindly undertake the necessary steps at your end with the help of below guidelines for uninterrupted services thereafter:

    - Register all your Templates (SMS Content) of your service/s (TemplateBased/OptinOptout/PromoSpl/PromoNormal) at operators DLT portal. 
    Option 1: Available for API users only
    No need to add DLT registered Templates to your 24x7SMS account but for the same add & pass the new field i.e. DLTTemplateID in the API to us. Please refer API document and make the necessary changes at your end.
    Note: You will not be able to send messages from web portal until DLT approved templates are been added to your 24X7SMS account.

    Option 2: Available for both i.e. API & Web Panel users 
    Users are required to add their DLT registered Templates to their 24x7SMS account. To add DLT details to 24X7SMS account: Click here
    Note: No changes in API is required

    • SMS service will be stopped for those users who have still not registered on any one of the operators DLT platform or have not added their DLT registered Entity, Headers & Templates on their 24x7SMS account.
    • As we do not have any resource from the operator to check whether DLT Entity/Headers/Templates provided by users are correct or incorrect or invalid etc. so we have to submit all the messages received from our users directly to the operators hence its users sole responsibility to make sure all the DLT details provided to us i.e. Entity ID, Header ID etc. are 100% accurate as once messages are submitted to the operators it will be charged by them whether it is processed successfully or rejected or failed etc. at their end.
    • Please always test on sample numbers prior to bulk submissions.
    • During this implementation, we are also not aware how things are getting implemented at operators end so we expect that there would be some hiccups in the service in coming days but like always we will try our level best to minimize the impact.
    We are continuously trying our level best from past 1 year since DLT has been introduced by the operators and worked hard & made numerous adjustments in the background each time so that services still kept running smoothly for all our valuable customers all these months but once DLT gets completely deployed by the operators then services may be stopped for non-DLT registered users hence

    Register at DLT platform immediately: Click here

    And then add DLT details to 24X7SMS account: Click here

    UPDATE AS ON 18th NOV 2020

    Dear Valued Customer,

    As you are already aware that from tomorrow i.e. 19th-Nov-2020 only messages from Registered DLT Entities will be processed successfully by the operators & messages received by Non-Registered DLT users will be failed by them hence kindly note below points carefully:

    • SMS service will be stopped for those users who have still not registered on any one of the operators DLT platform or have not added their DLT registered Entity, Headers & Templates on their 24x7SMS account.
    • As we do not have any resource from the operator to check whether DLT Entity/Headers/Templates provided by users are correct or incorrect or invalid etc. so we have to submit all the messages received from our users directly to the operators hence its users sole responsibility to make sure all the DLT details provided to us i.e. Entity ID, Header ID etc. are 100% accurate as once messages are submitted to the operators it will be charged by them whether it is processed successfully or rejected or failed etc. at their end.
    • Please always test on sample numbers prior to bulk submissions whether DLT registered or non-registered users.
    • During this implementation, we are also not aware how things are getting implemented at operators end so we expect that there would be some hiccups in the service in coming days but like always we will try our level best to minimize the impact.
    This time, we have the indication that things will get implemented from tomorrow as we have received updates from almost all the operators about the same & also registered DLT users must also be receiving continuous updates from the operators on the same. We are trying our level best from past 11 months since DLT has been introduced by the operators and worked hard & made numerous adjustments in the background each time so that services still kept running smoothly for all our valuable customers until now but we are afraid that services may be stopped from tomorrow if users have

    Still not registered at any one of the DLT platforms, so register immediately to avoid uninterrupted services thereafter. Download DLT registration guide here


    Registered on operators DLT portal but still not added your DLT details to your 24X7SMS account, so please follow below steps immediately to add DLT details

    Adding DLT Approved Header (Sender ID)
    Login to your 24x7sms account - PUSH SMS > DLT Approved Sender ID > Add New Sender ID

    1. Select Service (i.e. Template, Promotional, Optin)
    2. Header Value (i.e. 6 Character sender ID approved at operators DLT portal)
    3. Header DLT ID (i.e. 19 digit header ID approved at operator DLT portal)
    4. DLT Entity ID (i.e. 19 digit entity ID approved at operator DLT portal)
    5. Approved By Operator (i.e. which operator has approved it e.g. Airtel, Vodafone, Jio)

    Add DLT Approved Templates (SMS Content)
    Login to your 24x7sms account - DLT Approved Templates > Add DLT Approved Template

    1. Select DLT Approved Header
    2. DLT Approved Template Name (i.e. template name which you have got approved at operator DLT portal)
    3. DLT Approved Entity ID (i.e. your 19 digit Entity ID)
    4. DLT Approved Template ID (i.e. 19 digit template ID which you have got from operator DLT portal)
    5. Communication Type (i.e. Transactional, Service Implicit, Service Explicit or Promotional)
    6. Approved By Operator (i.e. which operator has approved it e.g. Airtel, Vodafone, Jio)
    7. DLT Approved Content Template (i.e. the SMS content with {#var#} which you have got approved at the operator DLT portal)

    UPDATE AS ON 16th NOV 2020

    Dear Valued Customer,

    DLT Implementation Update:
    As per the update received from the operators on DLT, from 19th November 2020 Entity ID is going to be mandatory hence kindly add your DLT approved Header (Sender ID) with all other details on your 24x7SMS account immediately in order to have uninterruppted services.

    • SMS service will be stopped for those users who have still not registered on any of the operators DLT platform or have not updated their DLT registered Entity, Headers & Templates on their 24x7SMS account.
    • All SMS submitted will be charged by the operators for non-DLT registered users.
    • Please always test on sample numbers prior to bulk submissions whether DLT registered or non-registered users.
    So please register all message templates and headers on any one of the operator's DLT portal immediately to avoid unintruptted services thereafter. Download DLT registration guide here

    UPDATE AS ON 6th NOV 2020

    Dear Valued Customer,

    DLT Implementation Update:
    As you are already aware that all the Indian operators are in the process of implementing DLT hence are making huge changes in their current working system so we may face an effect of the same on India Enterprise SMS/VAS services in coming days i.e. delay in SMS delivery, delay in receiving DLR, failure of messages etc. Even for users who have registered their DLT Entity, Headers & Templates may face the issues until everything as per the new DLT rules & regulations imposed on all the Indian operators by TRAI (Telecom Regulatory Authority of India) gets implemented successfully at their end.

    Though we are monitoring closely and trying our level best to minimize the effect on services as far as possible but still we wish to make our valuable customers aware & keep them updated & ready for such scenario, if it arises.

    Also we would request all our users to register all message templates and headers on any one of the operator's DLT portal immediately to avoid unintruptted services thereafter. Download DLT registration guide here

    UPDATE AS ON 12th OCT 2020

    Dear Valued Customer,

    DLT Header & Entity Scrubbing:
    We have received update from the operator that from any day post 15-Oct-2020 they would initiate scrubbing of all messages (TemplateBased/OptinOptout/PromoNormal/PromoSpl) with the following criteria:
    • SMS sent from unregistered headers on any one of the operator's DLT portal will be rejected by them. No default sender IDs would be allowed as the operator would check the header against the entity ID registered at their end.
    • All promotional traffic will be scrubbed against DND preferences & no delivery reports would be shared for the same.
    • SMS submitted without adding approved headers from operators DLT portal to your 24X7SMS account will be rejected.
    Hence we would request all our users to register all message templates and headers on any one of the operator's DLT portal to avoid any rejections thereafter. Download DLT registration guide here

    All the rejected messages would also be charged by the operators hence we advice all our users to only send SMS with DLT registered headers. Also please test each header on your numbers before going live in order to save your SMS credits.

    UPDATE AS ON 21st SEP 2020

    Dear Valued Customer,

    DLT Phase II Implementation:
    We have been informed by operators that from any day post 25-Sep-2020 they would initiate scrubbing of all messages (TemplateBased/OptinOptout/PromoNormal/PromoSpl) with the following criteria:
    • SMS sent from unregistered headers & templates on any one of the operator's DLT portal will be rejected by them.
    • All promotional traffic will be scrubbed against DND preferences.
    • SMS submitted without adding approved headers & Templates from operators DLT portal to your 24X7SMS account will be rejected.
    Hence we would request all our users to register all message templates and headers on any one of the operator's DLT portal to avoid any rejections thereafter. Download DLT registration guide here

    All the rejected messages would also be charged by the operators hence we advice all our users to only send SMS with DLT registered headers and templates. Also please test each header and templates on your numbers before going live in order to save your SMS credits.

    UPDATE AS ON 4th SEP 2020

    Dear Valued Customer,

    Important DLT Update:
    In order to continue using uninterrupted SMS services we wish to remind you again to kindly get your Entity (Company/Enterprise/Others), Header (Sender ID) & all Templates (SMS Content) approved at operators DLT portal IMMEDIATELY whether using Transactional (TemplateBased/OptinOptout) or Promotional (PromoHigh/PromoSpl), as all the operators will be going live in next few days with phase-2 of DLT to scrub each message with registered Entity, Header & Templates hence service will be stopped for those customers who have still not registered & service will only resume once they register their Entity, Header/s & all Templates at any one of the operators DLT portal & add the same (Header/Templates) to their 24x7SMS account. Hence follow the steps available here and register right away. Kindly ignore, if you have already done the needful & ready for phase 2 of DLT.

    UPDATE AS ON 1st SEP 2020

    Dear Valued Customer,

    We have been informed by the operators that new pricing has been implemented from Today.

    UPDATE AS ON 18th AUG 2020

    Dear Valued Customer,

    We have got a confirmation from all the operators that from 1 Sep 2020 they would be charging an additional 2.5p per SMS as the DLT (Entity / Header / Template) Scrubbing Charge but IGlobe has decided to bear 0.5p at it's end at the moment which will make the new SMS rate 13p per SMS + GST and same will be applicable from 31 Aug 2020 23:59:59 on users account for new purchases/remaining balance by the system automatically. To use the benefit of current rate, customers are advised to consume as much as credits as possible.

    We again request all our customers to get their SMS Template/s registered with operators DLT platform as soon as possible and be ready (customers who have still not registered please follow the steps given in the below link to register your Entity / Header / Templates).

    UPDATE AS ON 30th JUL 2020

    Dear Valued Customer,

    We are pleased to inform you that all the telecom operators have agreed to delay the increase in SMS Price from 2.5p per SMS (DLT Scrubbing Charge) which was scheduled to be effective from 1st Aug 2020. The new tentative date would now be 1st Sept 2020. We will keep you posted on the new developments.

    UPDATE AS ON 23rd JUL 2020

    Dear Valued Customer,

    We would like to inform you that the second phase of DLT implentation would be coming in effect from 1st Aug 2020, In this phase operators are going to implement Template whitelisting and Consent. We request all our customers to get their SMS Template/s registered with operators DLT platform as soon as possible and be ready (customers who have still not registered please follow the steps given in the below link to register your Entity / Header / Templates).

    We have also got a formal communication from operators that probably from 1 Aug 2020 they would be charging an additional 2.5p per SMS as the DLT (Entity / Header / Template) Scrubbing Charge but IGlobe has decided to bear 0.5p at it's end at the moment which will make new tentative rate 13p per SMS and same will be applicable from 31 Jul 2020 23:59:59 on users account for new purchases/remaining balance by the system automatically. To use the benefit of current rate, customers are advised to consume as much as credits as possible.


    Dear Valued Customer,

    We would like to update you that the second phase of DLT implentation would be coming in effect soon, we are waiting for an exact date on which it would be implemented from the operators. Mean while we request all our customers to get their SMS Template/s registered with operators DLT platform as soon as possible and be ready (customers who have still not registered please follow the below steps to register your Entity / Header / Templates).

    We have also got a formal communication from operators that probably from 1 Aug 2020 they would be charging an additional 2.5p per SMS as the DLT (Entity / Header / Template) Scrubbing Charge but IGlobe has decided to bear 0.5p at it's end at the moment which will make new tentative rate 13p per SMS and same will be applicable from 31 Jul 2020 23:59:59 on users account for new purchases/remaining balance by the system automatically. To use the benefit of current rate, customers are advised to consume as much as credits as possible.


    Dear Valued Customer,

    We would like to inform you that the first phase of DLT implentation has been in effect from the 1st June 2020. Now onwards only registered entity and headers (Sender ID) are allowed to send messages. We thank our customers for completing the Entity & Header registration process with operators DLT platforms. Those customers who have still not registered we request you to please do the needful ASAP, read the below update to know about the registration process. Those who have registered please get your templates approved from the operators as the next phase of template matching will be coming soon...


    Dear Valued Customer,

    Furher to our update to you earlier through emails, SMSes and tickers on our web portal, Telecom Regulatory Authority of India (TRAI) is now in the process of implementing DLT system by 31st May 2020. Kindly complete your registration immediately on the DLT platform and register your Header/SMS templates ASAP. Please note that you may be restricted to send any SMS communication if you do not complete the registration by 31st May 2020.

    If you have already register with one of the operator you can use your Entity ID and get registered with other operators also for free of cost. Below are the list of operators and their links to register. Those Entities who have not registered can use Airtel DLT system to register as the registration fees has been waived off at the moment.

    Airtel Registration portal :

    Vodafone Registration portal :

    Videocon Registration portal :

    TataTele Registration portal :;role=PE

    JIO Registration portal :;role=PE

    BSNL Registration portal :

    Step 1:
    Entity registration: Sign up as Enterprise by providing details like PAN, GST, Company Name, Address etc., upload required documents and make the payment for registration fees. Once entity is approved you will get an unique Entity ID.

    Below are the required documents for registration:
    PAN/ GST / TAN
    Letter of Authorization
    Registration Fees - INR 5900 (including 18% GST) (waived off on Airtel).

    Step 2.
    Header (Sender ID) registration: Entities need to register all their headers with the operators DLT platform. Once the header is approved you will get a unique Header ID.

    Step 3.
    SMS Template Registration: Once the sender IDs are registered, entities are required to register all their templates on the DLT system. Once the templates are approved you will get a unique template ID.

    Like always, we will be there to help & guide our customers in this transition. We are working closely with the operators to get more updates on this and we will keep you posted via email and SMS.

    We thank you and appreciate your understanding & co-operation on this.


    No further update received.


    No further update received.


    Due to many complications being faced by the operators to implement DLT which has been imposed on them by the TRAI, it seems it has been postponded further. Though services are running normally at this point of time but please note it can get implemented any day hence we suggest you to kindly purchase the qty which can be consumed in immediate near future e.g. a week or two but maximum within 1 month.


    Dear Valued Customer,

    Telecom Regulatory Authority of India (TRAI) has released a new notification on the 20th Jan 2020 in its continuous endeavour to control SMS Spamming by making a transparent system to curb Unsolicited Commercial Communication (UCC) and enhance mobile subscriber privacy. For more detail click here.

    As per the new regulation DLT system is going to be implemented from the 5th of Feb 2020 (still things are not clear) by TRAI and operators wherein all the enterprise who wants to use SMS and voice services have to use the Blockchain technology also known as Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT). Using this technology operators would be able to access the data of all the registered enterprise like SenderID, Templates and customer consents which they have registered with one operators DLT platform.

    In short, like how currently users get their Sender ID and Templates approved at our platform in similar way now under TRAI's new regulation all this has to be done on one centralized platform alongwith each user's KYC hence for the same first user need to register their entity on the DLT system along with other details like Headers, Templates and Consents.

    Registration portal :

    NOTE: while registering select Telemarketer Name: IGlobe Solutions Pvt. Ltd. - AF & Telemarketer ID: 110200001399

    Step 1:
    Entity registration: Sign up as Enterprise by providing details like PAN, GST, Company Name, Address etc., upload required documents and make the payment for registration fees. Once entity is approved you will get an unique Entity ID.

    Below are the required documents for registration:
    PAN/ GST / TAN
    Letter of Authorization Registration Fees - INR 5900 (including 18% GST) (waived off till 5th Feb 2020).

    Step 2.
    Header (Sender ID) registration: Entities need to register all their headers with the operators DLT platform. Once the header is approved you will get a unique Header ID.

    Step 3.
    SMS Template Registration: Once the sender IDs are registered, entities are required to register all their templates on the DLT system. Once the templates are approved you will get a unique template ID.

    Note from IGlobe to all it's Valued Customers
    As per TRAI's new regulation, things may start implementing from FEB 2020 stage wise i.e. first entity registration then header and then templates etc. but we still have no proper clarity on how it is going to work at this point of time. We think that a lot of confusion is going to happen which would affect the SMS delivery in coming days. We request you to be prepared for this though we will try our best to minimise the affect.

    Like always, we will be there to help & guide our customers in this transition. We are working closely with the operators to get more updates on this and we will keep you posted via email and SMS.

    We thank you and appreciate your understanding & co-operation on this.

    Thanks & Regards,
    Team - IGlobe Solutions